“El Cuarto Reino” (“The Fourth Kingdom”) is a documentary about the daily life of a marginal community in a New York neighborhood. A very particular “Kingdom” in which both illegal immigrants and US citizens in difficulties, share the same disappointment: a reality very different from the one promised in the Land of Opportunity. Although they have deeply felt the disappointment of not having achieved the long-awaited American Dream, their human soul keep hope and gives room for light.
René, a Mexican who still needs to go to Alcoholics Anonymous to avoid relapses. He manages to spend most of the time sober. Walter, from Guatemala, is a very intelligent and enigmatic man who makes special glasses that transform reality. Pier, an American suffering from depression, who was pianist in a jazz band, he finally found happiness picking up cans. Eugene, also American and still struggling to recover from his drug addiction by taking care of the compost.The four of them were reunited by Ana, a missionary who left Spain more than 40 years ago and founded “Sure We Can” (SWC) in 2007, a non-profit organization for people in need where they can exchange cans and plastic bottles for 5 cents.
There, in the borough of Brooklyn, the “Kingdom” stays away from everything, in an apparent routine, but guided by the desire to progress. Fate is actually the path. They long for a “personal recycling” through small changes, in an effort to become the best version of themselves. Here is where the characters find their voice, apart from the consumer society that sets them aside.